New Moon Women’s Gathering—This Saturday

The next New Moon is upon us, and I am already feeling the Leo Eclipse energy, not to mention all the retrogrades!

Aside from the powerful astrology and energy that is already  being felt and is affecting us, I want to make note of few changes that have been made for this upcoming New Moon Women’s Gathering.

First, there is a price change. Tickets are now $20 in advance and $25 day of the event. Thank you to all the beautiful and generous women in our circle that encouraged me to raise these prices to better honor the hard work and attention that is put into making this event the magical gathering it has become.

You can buy your tickets at this link here.

I also want to make note that there is a generous scholarship fund that has been created to assist those women who may only be able to pay partial or need full assistance to come to this event. To donate to this event click here. To use this scholarship please contact me here.

Second, we will only have a social soup and tea time for 30 minutes. The event will still begin at 6p, but we will promptly open our ritual circle at 6:30p (instead of the old 7p). This really only affects a few people who come a bit late, knowing that there is time to do so. So, please arrive promptly at 6p to help the event go smoothly and honor everyone’s time.

I hope to see many of you Saturday, to set intentions, create deep connection with other women, and be a part of a ritual that goes back to antiquity.