September Hiatus at The Manifest Nest!


What a whirlwind Hurricane Irma has been. I hope that each and every one of you are healthy and well. I know that many of you either sustained some damage from the storm or know someone who has, my heart goes out to each and every one of you.

In the wake of Irma I am not going to have any events, classes or farmer’s markets until October! I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have for any of you, but please know that I am here at the Apothecary if anyone needs anything. 

I know that I have been feeling a bit emotionally taxed, stressed, and that my adrenals and immune system are both suffering because of it. I have a great supply of herbal needs at this time should you be feeling similar and need some herbal support.

I have my Restorative Tincture that is full of adaptogens to help the body deal with and overcome the side effects of stress. Both my husband and I have been taking this 2x a day and it has really helped.

I have both Fire Cider Tonic and Elderberry Syrup to help your body boost immunity and to fight off any cold or flu symptoms.

I have a few new products as well!

I have a Skin Bliss balm that is specific for rashes, eczema and psoriasis.

I also made a batch of Herbal Insect Repellent which is great for all the bugs that have been around after all this water and flooding. (And don’t forget my Anti-Itch Salve if the bugs have already gotten you.)

Again, I hope that all of you are recovering physically and emotionally from the storm, and if you can help your neighbors and friends as they recover, please do so.

Take time for yourself as well: get a massage, go to the chiropractor, watch a funny movie, get some ice cream that wasn’t lost in the power outage, and nourish your body with whole foods and herbs. Whatever soothes your soul do so.

Hurricane season is only half over, and even when it is not natural disasters at our door, the universe will send us challenges that help us to grow and expand. Sometimes, it is necessary to retreat inward in order to find the strength to grow and expand and that is ok too.

Again, please don’t hesitate to contact me should you need any herbal products or an herbal consultation. You can find more information here.

Kind thoughts,
